Thursday, April 3, 2014

50 Random Facts About Me.

Hey guys! I think it would be fun if I share the random things about me with you guys. So here they are!

1. I once had a Pomeranian. His name is Kenny Chai. But he died because of lungs infection on his age of 4. :(
2. I prefer dogs to cats.
3. I have super low self-esteem.
4. I love beauty tools, like make up stuff, fashion, etc.
5. I actually have a good sense of fashion, but Im too insecure with my body shape.
6. I super love LINE characters. Especially Cony and Brown.
7. I used to be a really naughty kid.
8. I'm very sensitive with physical jokes.
9. I love learning science. I mean the general knowledges not the formal learning.
10. I love pringles and tortilla chips soooo much.
11. I am a messy person but I require cleanliness and neatness.
12. I am easily interested with guys.
13. Things I firstly notice about a guy is the cleanliness and the tidiness of his teeth, hair, nails, his taste of fashion, and his brain.
14. I used to wear glasses, but now I am wearing contact lens.
15. I want to bleach my teeth so bad.
16. I am family oriented.
17. I hate maths.
18. I love singing.
19. I love flowers and I really want to go to the tulips field in Holland.
20. I am not a kpopers nor jpopers, I prefer the westerns.
21. I adore boys who could play musical instruments.
22. I can swim.
23. I cant play musical instruments.
24. I prefer fish to chicken, chicken to beef, and beef to pork.
25. I am a rubbish in sports.
26. I have no birth marks.
27. I once had a cat too. Her name is Kitty. But she ran away from the house and we have no idea where she is until now.
28. My Mom passed away on March 2014.
29. I am afraid of worms, lizards, and frogs.
30. I love to be in the kitchen and make stuffs.
31. I wish I have a sewing machine because I want to sew so bad.
32. I love disney movies but I am not a fanatic.
33. I love to watch korean drama but still I am not a fanatic.
34. I love Marvel movies.
35. I love Harry Potter, Narnia, Hobbits, and etc.
36. I am a Buddhist.
37. My ambition when I was still a kid is to be a good housewife just like my Mom.
38. I have a good social life.
39. I have a very high point on humanity.
40. I am addicted to online shopping. Because I hate it when I go to a shop and then the clerk follows me around like Im gonna steal something from the shop.
41. I am addicted to bubble drink!
42. I love 9gag and 9gagtv.
43. I once make a video on youtube but then I deleted it.
44. I always want to start vlogging but I am too insecure about my appearance.
45. I love chocolate bar but I cant take too much of it. It gives me nausea.
46. I was obsessed with being thin that I almost had an eating disorder. But not anymore.
47. I am not a morning person.
48. I am allergic to cold and dust.
49. I am a pro-stalker. Hahahhaha
50. I am no longer single. ;)

Thursday, March 27, 2014

First post!

Hello world! 

This is my first post as you can see and I am a newbie in this blogging world!
Mohon bimbingannya senior-senior di luar sana heheh. Actually, gw udah dari dulu mikir pengen ngeblog, tapi baru kali ini terealisasi. Gw tertarik untuk ngeblog karena gw mikir gw bakalan bisa nulis apapun yang ada di pikiran gw dengan bebas. I know people could still judge me by reading. But at least, gw ga perlu ngomong langsung ke mereka dan gw ga perlu melihat respon mereka yang most of the time is bad response.

By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet! Nama gw Roshalia, dan gw bermarga Chai.
So, yes my fullname is Roshalia Chai. People often call me Rosa, Sali, or Chai. Umur gw saat ini baru 17 tahun dan tepat di hari Waisak tanggal 15 Mei 2014 nanti, usia gw genap 18 tahun. Saat ini, gw masih duduk di bangku SMA Dharma Suci, Pluit. Iyee gw tau sekolah gw emang kagak pemes (baca: famous, bukan PMS). Dan sebentar lagi gw akan melaksanakan National Exam! (baca: UN). Wish me luck!

Apalagi ya, emm.. Gw tinggal di Tangerang, gw punya satu abang dan satu adik laki, zodiak gw Taurus, makanan favorit gw tempe dan kentang, minuman favorit gw juices, tea, and soya bean milk, celebrity crush gw Kevjumba, dan status gw single. (fyi aja sih) ;)

I think that's all about the introduction. 
And I would write more about the random things that have been through my mind all these times. 
This is me, this is my style, and this is how I would write about things. Feel free to leave a comment! 

Bye! Thanks for visiting!